Pizza is one of the most fantastic meals around the world. Restaurants making pizza make huge profits every year due to the high number of orders for this amazing meal. Everyone has a varied preference for pizza, and it would be best to offer them what they want, whether they require the meat-filled pizza, vegetarian pizza, or an Italian recipe.
It would be best to look for an oven that will withstand constant use for commercial purposes. It should be durable and handle the high demand. Therefore lookout for the following features to ensure you achieve the most out of your business.
The size and space of your oven if the first thing to look out for when you go shopping. The oven you get should fit the restaurants’ needs and fit into the kitchen space with ease. You don’t need a large oven that will take most of the valuable space. If you have a smaller kitchen space, it would be better to look for an oven that fits without making more space.
Furthermore, the ovens should offer enough space for workers to go about their daily duties without obstruction. The total size of the range always shows on the number of trays it can hold. You can make this decision according to the demand you have. A traditional deck takes about four trays at atime. You can add more decks if the market rises.
Production Time
If pizza is the main focus of your restaurant, then it would be best to get an oven that operates efficiently over a long time. Therefore, picking an oven that enables you to make several pizzas at a go effectively keeps your business running smoothly. The production time of a convection oven is about 20 minutes to preheat and 6 minutes for cooking. It is ideal for most restaurants.
Otherwise, those who may want to produce more pizza every hour can go for deck ovens and brick ovens. They hold up to six pizzas in a deck and will cook them in eight minutes. Production time also depends on the demand,
Employee Skills
Pizza ovens require some degree of skills to use. The skills help you to prepare quality pizza and also ensure your ovens will last longer. Your employees must understand to use these ovens. They need to know about the interface and how to adjust settings accordingly. Furthermore, they should learn to make the pizzas regularly to feed into the conveyor.
There are new things to learn with the innovation that comes with pizza ovens. These include keeping track of firewood inside and renewing them before it is depleted. Therefore, employee skills are another prominent feature for consideration.
Costs and Maintenance
Different types of pizza ovens have varied costs in the market. The prices may depend on the usage abilities and the design. Therefore, work within your budget and get a pizza oven to boost your sales without making losses.
Where to Get Pizza Ovens
Get the best commercial pizza ovens to get your restaurant’s sales to go through the roof. Italian artisans specifically design these pizza ovens to offer ideal space and design to make quality pizza.